It's what it says on the tin, while fishing around 6:30 or so this evening this showed up in the western sky, and slowly moved to the east and disappeared over the course of abt 2-3 minutes or so. Not saying UFO, but I'm assuming some sort of space debris or comet? Did anyone else see this lol
My compulsions get so bad that they cause me physical pain. I have horrible ibs (sorry tmi) and my anxiety from these fears etc. make my stomach hurt constantly. Tips are welcome
I just finished all the puzzles but apparently there's still upcoming update like the explorer research or so. Is it possible to store or make a backup of the save file so then I could restore it again when the game updated?
Bassicaly ive been trying to delete this handle related to RobloxPlayerBeta.exe
handle is ROBLOX\_singletonEvent
Ive been running command prompt as admin and this still wont work
ive been trying... for ten hours... im about to just make python do it manually.
here is my script
import time
import win32file
import win32con
def close\_singleton\_event\_handle():
handle\_roblox = r'\\\\Sessions\\\\1\\\\BaseNamedObjects\\\\ROBLOX\_singletonEvent
\# below is to give time for roblos to acctualy load the handle (might not be nessecary)(idk how long it tkaes to load)
print("Waiting for singleton handle to be created...")
handle = win32file.CreateFile(
win32con.GENERIC\_READ | win32con.GENERIC\_WRITE,
0, # No sharing
None, # No security attributes
0, # No flags
print(f"Handle {handle\_roblox} opened successfully!")
print(f"Closed handle {handle\_roblox} successfully!")
return True
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error while trying to close handle: {e}")
return False
it\_works = close\_singleton\_event\_handle()
if it\_works:
print("Singleton handle closed. Proceeding with next steps...")
\# Example subprocess to run the next script
import subprocess\["python", ""\])
A friend of mine created this detailed dog training series a couple of years ago and I feel like it doesn't get the love it deserves. He's a fully accredited dog trainer and built these courses over several years in order to save new dog owners money. Hiring a private trainer for your pup normally costs $100+ per hour and taking them to puppy preschool is typically $150 for 6 classes that just go over the basics (sit, stay etc.). Not to mention if you want to take your dog to the more advanced classes after puppy preschool it's hundreds more. Dan made this program so he can spend time with his pups whilst still helping people train their dogs.
Dan teaches everything covered in puppy pre school in this app he put together so you can teach your pup in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace and for a fraction of the price. The best part is, he works with you as you teach your pup, you can reach out to him and the community whenever you run into any issues and he'll help. So you still get the 1 on 1 expert opinion that you'd get from a private trainer, all you have to do is send him an explanation or video of the problem you're trying to address or issues in teaching that you're having.
Delete this post if it's not allowed but I just thought this might help some new dog parents :)
[Link here to check out the training program](
New player, only played for 19 hours so far and in the first few hours of me playing ranked using Long and mainly been playing Cloud Sword and Unrestrained Sword. I was winning in the first few hours of gameplay but after about 10 hours and reaching 1800 ranked points I just started to lose and be outpaced by other people's decks, losing to now 1600-ish.
Am I just bad at making decks? Is it just Cloud Sword and Unrestrained Sword being underpowered? Or am I just missing something?
No idea where can I discuss stuff regarding the game and how to improve in it so I'm making this discussion post. If y'all have any resources in how to improve playing the game, I would greatly appreciate it if you shared it here as well.